Issuance of Refunds

  • 1. The processing time of your refund depends on the type of refund and the payment method you used.
  • 2. The refund period/process starts when All car decor has processed your refund according to your refund type.
  • 3. The refund amount covers the item price and shipping fee for your returned product.
  • Refund Types

    All car decor will process your refund according to the following refund types

  • 1. Refund from returns - Refund is processed once your item is returned to the warehouse and QC is completed (successful). To learn how to return an item, read our Return Policy.
  • 2. Refunds from canceled orders - Refund is automatically triggered once cancelation is successfully processed.
  • 3. Refunds from failed deliveries - The refund process starts when the item has reached the seller. Please take note that this may take more time depending on the area of your shipping address. Screen reader support enabled.
  • Payment Method Refund Option Refund Time

    Debit or Credit Card

    Debit or Credit Card Payment Reversal

    10 working days

    Equated Monthly Installments

    Debit or Credit Card

    10 working days

    Rocket (Wallet DBBL)

    Mobile Wallet Reversal / Rocket

    7 working days


    Mobile Wallet Reversal / Nagad

    7 working days

    DBBL Nexus (Online Banking)

    Card Payment Reversal (Nexus)

    7 working days


    Mobile Wallet Reversal / bKash

    7 working days

    Cash on Delivery (COD)

    Bank Deposit

    7 working days

    Note: Maximum refund timeline excludes weekends and public holidays.

    Modes of Refund Description

    Bank Deposit

    The bank account details provided must be correct. The account must be active and should hold some balance.

    Debit Card or Credit Card

    If the refunded amount is not reflected in your card statement after the refund is completed and you have received a notification by All car decor, please contact your personal bank.

    bKash / Rocket / Nagad Mobile Wallet

    Like a bank deposit, the amount will be refunded to the same mobile account details you inserted at the time of payment.